An industry summit to gather the ecosystem with a very targeted content, presenting customer testimonials is a strategic marketing event. Organizing a plenary with keynotes sessions, coffee breaks, round tables, lunch and a networking event from A to Z can be challenging. From venue sourcing to showcaller, we can help you out. Discover in pictures this industry summit which took place in Paris in a prestigious and historical venue.

The medical industry requires the organization of conferences addressing health issues. Such events require the ideal venue to enable classroom or cabaret formats for doctors to be able to take notes. The content needs to be enhanced by great AV production. Generally, the entire audience is taken care of from the pick up, commute to the conference venue, followed by a refined dinner and taken back to their respective hotels.

Your company is an innovation leader in its field? Organizing an innovation summit with key speakers in a strategic city in Europe should be part of your leadership strategy. Don’t rely on busy trade shows to communicate.

Home office is great but how do we maintain a company culture? Organizing seminars every year now crucial. No matter the size of your seminar and its duration, our event agency offers a wide range of services to make it efficient.

Roadshows are useful marketing tools: local events in strategic places… One agency to keep the unity, the quality and a smooth process.

Marketers have a lot on their plates as the product R&D, the marketing & communication content, and the event itself must all be perfect. Partnering with an agency is among life saving practices.